+357 99587884 trainings@eurocyinnovations.com


Simulation Environment

for Online Teacher's Training

Output of the funded Project Play2Do




Mobile application for assisting persons with Alzminder Disease.


ViPi Platform

A platform for ICT skills for people with disabilities. 

Output of the funded Project ViPi


Serious Games Design

" A serious game emphasizes on the added pedagogical value, rather than pure entertainment "

" Getting There" game

The game focuses on Dealing with feelings (self-control, self-esteem, anger and stress management), Employment Rights and Responsibilities, and Getting and keeping a job.

Output of the funded Project Code Red


"Got the skills" game

The game focused on developing an awareness of skills which are required for work. It intends to get the player to recognize different skills which they may have, and to understand which skills and traits will help them get and keep employment.

Output of the funded Project Code Red



"Inca Island" game  

The game aim on developing social skills such as: communication, cooperation, conflict resolution, self - esteem, self control and assertiveness.

Output of the funded Project Code Red


"Memobile Game"

An android application aiming to support the user to  learn computer basic skills